Thursday, December 6, 2018

Mortality Rate and 2019 Manifesto

Image result for death rateThe 2018 International Mortality Rate Ranking By UNICEF left Nigeria at NO. 11th in the WORLD.

A report by The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), ranked Nigeria 11th position on newborn deaths globally.

 This is according to a new report on “Newborn Mortality’’ released by UNICEF, which was obtained by newsmen on February This 2018  in Lagos. 

 UNICEF According to the report, eight of the 10 most dangerous places to be born are sub-Saharan Africa, where pregnant women are much less likely to receive assistance during delivery due to:





“With the newborn mortality rate of 29 deaths per 1,000 births, the global estimates rank Nigeria as the 11th highest on newborn deaths.

 “In the recent Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) conducted by the Government of Nigeria in 2016/17, the rate of newborn deaths per 1000 births is 37. “This national average hides the differences between the 36 states and the slow progress in some of them,’’ the report said. 

I am waiting eagerly to see what the political gladiator seriously have in their plan to address this critical issue! 

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